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Martin Luther King Jr.

  "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice
   everywhere. We are caught in an
   inescapable network of mutuality, tied
   in a single garment of destiny.
   Whatever affects one directly, affects
   all indirectly."


Human Rights Groups

Amnesty International Australia

AIA campaigns for internationally recognized human rights. It is an independant NGO that does not accept government funding.

Australian Human Rights Commission

Conciliates disputes regards the Racial Discrimination Act 1975, Sex Discrimination Act 1984, Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and Age Discrimination Act 2004.

Citizens Commission on Human Rights

CCHR is a non-profit organization dedicated to investigating and exposing psychiatric violations of human rights.

Human Rights Watch

HRW investigates and exposes human rights abuses worldwide. It is an independant NGO that does not accept government funding.

Human Rights House Foundation

A group of non-government organizations that act to protect human rights throughout the world. Its primary goal is to monitor compliance with the human rights provisions of the Helsinki Final Act and its Follow-up Documents. A secretariat in Vienna supports and provides liaison for 42 Helsinki committees and associated human rights groups.

United Nations Association of Australia

The UNAA (like other UN Associations around the world) is not part of the UN but promotes its aims and ideals. This non-profit group monitors the performance of the Australian government in honouring its international obligations. It also lobbies the government on UN matters, human rights and the environment. Branches maintain libraries.

United Nations Human Rights Committee

UNHRC hears complaints from people whose rights have been violated by their government. Country must be a signatory to the ICCPR and the First Optional Protocol to said treaty. Applicants must have exhausted all domestic remedies before contacting the Committee. The Office of the UN High Commissioner can provide an application form and fact sheet.

HRCA Information Websites

Militia Information Service

Promotes the democratization of national armies.

Stalk Victims Information Service

Resource for people targeted by stalkers.

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"One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws."  – Martin Luther King Jr.

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