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Thomas Paine

  "He that would make his own liberty
   secure must guard even his enemy
   from oppression; for if he violates
   this duty, he establishes a precedent
   that will reach to himself."

   - Thomas Paine


Film Night

RED MATILDAS: A 1984 documentary (50 min) by Sharon Connolly and Trevor Graham. Through the lives of three women, Red Matildas explores the social and political conditions in Australia during the Great Depression.

Food and drinks provided.

 •  Location: Office
 •  Time: 1900-2100
 •  Date: 29.12.24
 •  Details: Richard Lutz, director@hrc-australia.org

Monthly Meeting - HRCA Executive

 •  Location: Office
 •  Time: 1500-1630
 •  Date: Last Sunday of the month
 •  Details: Richard Lutz, director@hrc-australia.org

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"Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men."  – John F. Kennedy

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