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Jasmeen Kaur

   Jasmeen Kaur, who was buried alive
   by a former boyfriend.


Hannah Clarke and her three children

Hannah Clarke and her children, Aaliyah, Laianah and Trey, were burned to death by her estranged husband she had left due to domestic violence.


Each year scores of female stalk victims, notably women fleeing domestic violence, are brutally murdered by men in Australia despite anti-stalking laws and restraining orders, thus much more needs to be done to help protect them.

Inadequate Response

Men charged with stalking or DV offences are often given bail as it is expensive to keep such people in detention, many of whom are not even required to wear an ankle bracelet as it is expensive to monitor such people. Likewise, offenders subject to restraining orders are rarely ordered to wear an ankle bracelet.


Some stalkers are unknown to their victims, while there is not always enough evidence to prosecute known offenders or obtain a restraining order, hence the need to provide vulnerable victims with an armed guard if they cannot afford to hire one until the threat passes if they are unable to protect themselves (notably women with a disability).

Prioritise Vulnerable

Governments do not have unlimited resources so need to prioritise the most vulnerable, not provide a security guard to women who are capable of defending themselves like an off-duty police officer or security guard. Many victims do not want to have to rely on a security guard for their protection as they might not be around when needed, find their presence an intrusion on their privacy, or feel they have been infantilised.

Empower Victims

Thus victims must be encouraged to obtain a non-occupational security guard licence after undergoing suitable training so they can safely carry a practical defensive weapon. Empowering victims in this manner is also beneficial to their mental health, not just their physical safety.

Summary of Findings

1. Female stalk victims such as women fleeing domestic violence
are at high risk of being murdered.

2. Lower class women are disproportionately impacted as they
lack the resources needed to ensure their safety.


1. No bail for offenders charged with stalking or DV offences.

2. Ankle bracelets for people subject to restraining orders.

3. Provide vulnerable victims with an armed guard until the threat
passes or they are able to defend themselves.

4. Empower victims by helping them obtain a non-occupational security
guard licence so they can safely carry a practical defensive weapon.

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"Woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself."  – Susan B. Anthony

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